Saturday, November 24, 2012

Book Review: High Five

I'm sorry, all I'm reviewing are Stephanie Plum books.  I can't stop reading them.  I have three other books to read (Finale, Reached, and As Sure as the Dawn) sitting next to my bed.  They are all the final book in their respective series, so you'd think I'd be anxious to read them, but I just keep starting the next Plum book.  Oh well, it's nice to have books you enjoy and are anxious to read.  It's really helped pass the time during this lame time for me.

High Five (Stephanie Plum, #5)High Five by Janet Evanovich

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

After staying up till 2:00 making pie for Thanksgiving, did I go to bed?  No, I stayed up another hour reading this book!  I can't stop.  I loved the cliffhanger ending.  I hope she called Joe!!  We'll see...

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