Next summer will be 10 years since I graduated from High School, crazy!!! I served on the Senior Class Student Council as the Activities Chairperson, so I knew that I would be helping to plan my class reunion. However, I just found out that our class president won't be able to attend let alone plan the reunion because of graduate school. So, it has fallen to me to put this thing together! I'm a little excited, but mostly just freaking out! Especially because I graduated in Nevada and I'm living in Georgia. Luckily we live in the computer age, so locating and communicating with people has never been easier. I'm just having a hard time knowing where to start and I'm hoping for some advice. Please leave a comment and answer the following questions for me. Please. Please. If you haven't had your 10 year reunion yet, please just give me any thoughts you have about the subject.
1. Did you attend your 10 year High School reunion. If not, why? Specifically, was it because you just didn't want/care to? Or did you want to go, but scheduling and/or travel wouldn't allow you to? Was the cost of the tickets a factor?
2. Did you enjoy it? What did you enjoy and what did you dislike. (specifically things that the planning committee can control)
3. What type of party should I go for?
a-fancy sit down catered dinner at a hotel or conference center (probably around $30 a plate)
b-pot luck in the park family picnic sort of thing (pretty cheap per person)
4. At or before your reunion did they do any sort of fund-raising? What did they do and do you think it worked?
5. Was there any kind of program or speakers or activities? Was it just dinner and socializing?
6. Please just leave any additional thoughts or advice.
Thank you so much for your help!
3 years ago