Jerry's finally home, yes!!!! We are so excited and so glad to have him back. It's been a long, long summer. He came in Friday night, and we immediately dropped the boys off in Columbus with Jerry's brother (THANK YOU THANK YOU James and Ruth!!!!) and headed off Saturday morning to Ft. Lauderdale on a Caribbean Cruise. Needless to say-it was AMAZING. We had so much fun.Here we are at "The Meeting Point" getting ready to board the ship.
Dinner. The food was so incredible. We ate ourselves sick at every meal, it was great. We went with some of our best friends from Utah, Emily and Nate.
First port-Key West.
Exploring Key West.
Jerry and the sponge man.
Em and Nate. They were such great travel companions, and such a fun couple. We LOVE them, and it was so nice to get to spend time with them.
In Key West we took a Catamaran boat out to a reef and went snorkeling. The fish certainly weren't as good as they were in Hawaii or even the Red Sea, but it was still really fun.
Nate and Jerry. What a couple of good looking guys workin' the life jackets :) And seriously, do you see how blue that water is?
We saw this huge sea turtle, but didn't get a very good picture of him. Of course he came up to the boat right after everyone got out of the water.
Formal night.
Second port: Cozumel, Mexico. Here we shopped, had lunch, and swam with Dolphins! It was so much cooler then I thought it would be. We don't have any pictures, because well, we were in the water with the Dolphins.
Thanks to hurricane season, we had a couple of rainstorms. Here we are hot tubbin' in a crazy rainstorm.
Me and Jer, just happy to be together again.
Seriously, we had such a fun time. The only disappointment was we were supposed to visit Coco Cay, Bahamas as our third port, but because of Hurricane Earl, the water was too rough to be able to take the small boat from the cruise ship into port (it would have been a rainy day anyway). The captain decided that it was too dangerous to let anyone go ashore, so he steered us out of the rain and into sunny skies and we just floated around all day. Luckily, on a cruise ship there is still a ton of fun stuff to do, and good food to eat.
3 years ago
First, K, you are BEAUTIFUL!!! Second, JEALOUS! Third, I am so glad you got to have such a wonderful time with your hubby! This is what life is all about! Thanks for sharing!!!
I love all your pictures! And I'm so glad you had a good time!!! Yay for being together again!
This makes me so excited for our cruise!!!
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