In June I finally painted my bedroom and I've been meaning to post pictures for a while, but I never quite got around to it. Also I don't feel like the room is done, but I'm going to have to wait a while before I can afford to really finish it like I would like. But I do think it's a vast improvement.
BEFORE: (boring and blah)AFTER: (my camera really isn't very good, so it does look better then these pictures show) and yes, getting rid of the baby dresser was SOOOO nice. I painted his room too, pictures to come.
I almost really love it. However, it just doesn't feel quite right. Is it the color of the paint? Maybe it isn't quite the right shade? Or maybe the bedding. I'm definitely rethinking the pillows and I don't like yellow showing on the reversible coverlet. Or maybe it's the stuff on the walls? Or maybe my furniture is too dark for this shade of blue. If you have any idea's or suggestions, PLEASE share!
Below is a picture of one of the rooms that inspired me and I feel like my room is totally missing the mark.
Or this I love! I really wanted purple bedding with the blue walls, but I'm thinking it's too girl-y since this is my husbands room too. Is it too girl-y?Now that I see the pictures of my room next to these two, I can see it's probably just a matter of M O N E Y. These two rooms are filled with designer everything. Ahh maybe someday...But for now, I am happy with the improvement.
3 years ago
I'd have to say it's probably the lighting. Look how bright your designer pics are and how dark yours are. There's also a lot more accessories in the designer pics.
I think it looks great! The furniture may he a little dark, but a darker color of blue on the walls might take care of that....and maybe some added lighting...table lamps and standing lamps...?
LOVE the bedding, though. The yellow is good. Maybe you could accessorize a little with the yellow tones....?
Thanks Julie! You're right about the lighting. That is something I haven't even thought of.
I would say bring in more yellow, and just more stuff in general. That really makes the difference. Make craigslist and garage sales your best friends and you should be able to find some treasures.
And because I'm a little too lazy to comment twice, you are lovely in the pictures from your cruise.
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