Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I think that God is trying to teach me a lesson about vanity. First of all, I just had a baby and none of my clothes fit. Of course this is to be expected. I am ok with wearing Jerry's clothes for a few months. However combine wearing Jerry's clothes with the fact that my make-up has gone completely missing makes me think. This could all be a coincidence until you take in the fact that my hair dryer has just completely died.

I am under total attack. My weight, my clothes, my face, and my hair. There is nothing left. It's over.

At least no one has called me an orphan yet.


tracie said...

aww...I think you looked adorable today...I meant to say something to you about how you are have such a beautiful face, even with no make up!

Anna said...

Hahaha! I just read this post then followed your link to your orphan post. I was feeling some serious empathy for you, and then I read my old comment from July. How funny that we STILL sometimes feel this way. Orphans, prisoner, hags...good thing our natural, drop-dead gorgeous looks still shine through.

Lisa said...

Tracie is right! You are beautiful!