Sunday, July 18, 2010

We're home!

Ok, ok, we've been home for like 4 days. I know this should be the post with all the stories and pictures of everything we did on our trip. But it isn't. This is the post that informs you that this isn't that post. Savvy? I will post that post. Soon.

Just to tell you how much free time I've had since we got home (in which I would have uploaded pictures and written such post), I haven't even unpacked my suitcase yet. (ok, I've technically taken everything out of my suitcase-looking for clean clothes-but I haven't put anything away. Everything is strewn all over my bedroom floor and all over the whole house. I don't call anything unpacked until things are put away and suitcases are put back in closet.)

Anyway...I hope everyone had a nice fourth of July, WE DID!!!