Thursday, March 6, 2008

Due Date!

Here I am. March 6 and still pregnant. Just as I predicted. It's all good though. I have horrible allergies and a terrible sinus headache that I would love to get over before I go through the fun of labor & delivery and the new responsibilities of a new baby.

I think it has finally hit Jerry that this baby is coming any time. He has been working like crazy on homework and writing his capstone paper and he has really made a lot of progress, I am really proud of him. I hope that because of his work he will be a lot less stressed when our baby comes.


Triston said...

I am so excited for you guys. You guys will make such great parents. I keep checking your blog to see if you have had your baby yet. I would love to come help you in anyway I can when you have the baby. Give us a call when you are home and wanting visitors 400-1050. Hope you have him soon.

caitlin wilson said...

WOW!!! It's here...well, not the baby but the day I guess. Good luck! Can't wait to see him soon!

Missy said...

Just let me know when you're ready to walk that baby out or if you're feeling restless, we can come up with something!! Love ya.

Maynard said...

I noticed that on the evening of March 09, you were still with child... {whisper} castor oil. Works every time! {/whisper} ...just kidding. I do not advocate the use of castor oil in an attempt to induce labor...

Matilda said...

Your Widget thingy is now showing how many days over due you are...